Six women manufacturers’ representatives from Illinois and Wisconsin, members of the “A League of Their Own” Special Interest Group met in Lake Geneva, WI on April 27. MANA member Lisa Wilson of L.S. Wilson & Associates, Inc. organized the event.
Following introductions, the group discussed a number of topics related to their ownership of a manufacturers’ representative business.
- The importance of a sales contract.
- How women can get places that men can’t and vice versa.
- How going about getting new business has changed.
- How to do business with Millennials.
- Doing business with different cultures (India, China, Korea, some Arab Countries).
Based on the success of the first meeting, they agreed to meet again. They decided one purpose of future meetings will be to discuss and create guidelines for women who want to start their own business.
Left to right: Michelle Nelson, Perhats Wenstrom Associates, Inc., MANA member; Cheryl Parker, EK Micro, ERA member; Susan Leager, Control Sales, ERA member; Lisa Wilson, L.S. Wilson & Associates, Inc., MANA member; Noreen Brinn, Control Sales, ERA member; and Kara Brashea, Central Tower Exchange Corp., MANA member.