A Message from MANA’s Board of Directors

Today MANA has evolved into an organization through which agents and principals cooperate to derive the maximum benefits from their business relationship. MANA facilitates this process by educating world and national business, industry and government on the importance of the success of the unique relationship involved between manufacturers and agents. Our consistent promotional efforts have increased the professional stature of manufacturers’ agents worldwide.

While MANA membership illustrates a willingness to cooperate in your field to improve the team concept of marketing, membership also provides access to many valuable tools which have been designed specifically to heighten the success of the relationship. Over the years, hundreds of agents and principals have contributed their expertise and experience to refine the goldmine of information we currently offer. Browse through our web site and you’re sure to find resources that would make your job a lot easier!

Agents and principals accomplish the most when they work in harmony. This type of teamwork, as well as professional integrity and profitability, are what MANA seeks to promote and facilitate.


The MANA Board of Directors

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