Are you getting emails from MANA members trying to sell you services or products to use in operating your manufacturers’ representative business?

MANA wants to protect our members when they join. Every workday, we check the manufacturers that join to make sure they are legitimate and appear to be looking to connect with manufacturers’ representatives to sell the products or services they provide.

Very rarely, one will join and their goal is to use the RepFinder® to create a list of prospects to sell their services or products to. When this happens, we need to know about it so we can immediately terminate their MANA membership.

If you are ever approached by someone telling you they are a MANA member and try and sell you something, please send their information to Jerry Leth at as soon as possible so we can take the necessary action to protect our members.

Fill in these details and we’ll send you a link to run a FREE trial rep search!


Prefer not to share your info? Go directly to MANA’s RepFinder® database without registering!

Fill in these details and we’ll send you a link to run a FREE trial manufacturer search!


Prefer not to share your info? Go directly to MANA’s LineFinder® database without registering!