A MANA Member Recommended We Create a Special Interest Group for Our Hispanic Community

The Hispanic community is the fastest growing demographic in the U.S., and many companies are looking to tap into this market. However, they face challenges in finding bilingual Spanish sales reps. That’s why having a special interest group for our members who are interested in this market could be hugely beneficial.

This group would provide a platform for members to network, exchange ideas, and discuss common challenges and opportunities in the Hispanic market. It would also give our members an opportunity to build relationships with other sales reps who are passionate about this market and have similar goals.

Whether you speak Spanish, are interested in this market, or just want to connect with like-minded individuals, we invite you to join this special interest group. We’ll be scheduling periodic virtual networking events where members can come together and exchange thoughts and ideas on issues they face.

If you’re interested in joining, please contact MANA VP Jerry Leth either by email to [email protected] or call him at (949) 600-6465.

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