
Rep Agency Focused,

The next consideration to evaluate is your present age. I know there are times you think age is a barrier, but in our business it certainly is not, to a point.

I confess to a personal philosophy, however, that an individual is not ready to become a sales captain of industry until he or she is approximately 35 years of age, give or take a couple of years. I’m now old enough to have spent a substantial amount of time observing my own progress and the business progress of my successful contemporaries.

I base this bias on the fact that after you wrap up all the education you have received, both formal and informal, plus the variety of work experiences, the relationships, cruelties, responsibilities, surprises, successes and the joys of life, along with a mountain of obligation and frustration, it seems to me that at about 35 years of age a level of maturity and self-confidence sets in that allows you to increase your positive judgment factor tenfold. Where do you fit into the age bracket? Are you in your early 20s, just out of school? Are you an individual about 35 who thinks he or she is at a career dead end, or perhaps someone who is 50+ whose current employer thinks you’re over the hill? Even after suggesting that 35 is a neat age, I’ve helped all age groups and can assure you that there is no problem once you identify what your sales career goal is and where you fit into the pattern of entry.

Given a lot of hard work, good principals to represent, proper timing, and some luck, you can anticipate approximately 2-3 years from your current age to begin to enjoy true financial success.

Starting your sales agency from scratch assures there is no easy or quick way to expedite the process of selling on a straight commission basis. Do you want to drop out here or keep going? Again, if you stop and proceed no further, this guide has been worth both our time and effort.

This article is excerpted from Make Your Future Happen, Ken Benjamin’s definitive guide to starting an agency.