“A League of Their Own” (ALOTO) MANA Special Interest Group for Women Manufacturers’ Representatives
“A League of Their Own” (ALOTO) MANA Special Interest Group for Women Manufacturers’ Representatives
ALOTO is a MANA Special Interest Group for Women manufacturers’ representatives. We focus on connecting, networking, education, and mentoring in the community of Women manufacturers’ representatives.
ALOTO also encourages Women manufacturers’ representatives to organize their own grassroots events that will be publicized by MANA but are not MANA events.
- Local Events
- North American Group Discussions
- Mentoring and Support Opportunities
- Education Events
ALOTO Vision Statement: MANA Women sharing experience, knowledge and wisdom to provide support and direction to Women launching or considering a career in sales and entrepreneurship.
“MANA encourages and supports activities that bring Women reps together for mutual support, even when those reps are not MANA members.” Michelle Jobst, member of MANA’s Board of Directors and President of Jobst, Inc.
Interested in joining in on this conversation? Contact Jerry Leth, VP and General Manager, MANA by email at jleth@manaonline.org or by phone at (949) 600-6465.
Amanda Wilson’s presentation on July 30, 2024
Lisa Wilson’s presentation on “Issues A Young Rep Firm Faces”
Use passcode *sH5F!c=
to access the recording.
Women-Owned Business Certification
A League of their Own conducted a virtual meeting on Women-Owned Business Certification. They recorded the session, which you can find below.
“Knowing When to Lead the Dance”
A discussion on Dynamics, Techniques, and Perception Challenges for women reps.
Western Regional Meeting Report
Friday, January 24, 2020 | Long Beach Yacht Club, Long Beach CA

The first Western Region ALOTO Luncheon of 2020 occurred on Friday, January 24 in Long Beach, CA. The open discussion format allowed us to share experiences and insight, as we discussed topics such as identifying the value of a CRM from a rep’s perspective versus a manufacturer’s perspective, evaluating pioneering lines, contract negotiations from a women’s perspective and sales training. Attendees heard presentations from Leslie Marell, MANA Member Attorney, and Jerry Leth, MANA VP/General Manager. Leslie covered topics such as contract termination clauses, keys to negotiating contracts, non-compete clauses, NDA agreements, and the importance of indemnification clauses. Jerry shared information on how to market your agency to prospective principles, steps to rep professionalism, and the key elements of a professional rep agency.