Editorial in the Field
The one constant we have in today’s world of business is change. This includes globalization, downsizing, rightsizing, consolidation, mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances, etc. We have all seen on a daily basis the profound evolution and adaptation that has been necessary to keep our economy moving ahead in a productive and profitable way.
MANA is under the same forces of economics as private industry. As part of our strategic plan, we see the increased importance of achieving unity amongst the various rep associations focusing on the common good. Critical mass is what we are striving for.
The dictionary defines unity as “The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.” The thesaurus states, “The identity or coincidence of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group.” It is clear to us that closer cooperation amongst the various rep associations is necessary for us to continue to achieve our common goals.
We also believe it is important to maintain the unique personality and charter of each association. These strategic alliances will offer each organization the opportunity to manage costs and expenses, offer members enhanced services with increased focus on education, and continue to lobby on state, provincial and national levels on critical issues such as commission protection legislation and fair trade agreements.
Fundamentally we are committed not to the status quo, but to the growth and increased utilization of outsourced sales, with emphasis on enhanced profitability for the rep and the manufacturer. “United we stand…!”