Editorial in the Field 6

After months of struggling with this decision, I have decided to retire to a life of part-time consulting, family activities and service to my church. After 8½ years of leading this organization and being the architect of our strategic plan, I leave with mixed emotions. But this is the right thing to do, and it’s time for someone with more energy to lead us to the next level.

Helen Degli-Angeli, executive vice-president of MANA will function as interim CEO while the Executive Committee of MANA conducts its search. Helen has been with MANA for 30 years, has completed the CPMR program and has been running the day-to-day business of the association for the past 12 years.

MANA is currently taking applications for the position of president/CEO and would appreciate it if you would notify anyone you think may be qualified. The qualifications can be found on www.MANAonline.org.

I am pleased to report to you that MANA is in a strong financial position, is respected by reps and manufacturers worldwide and is the leading authority on the rep profession in North America. The board of directors is committed to following our strategic plan and is seeking a CEO who will continue to focus on unification of the rep profession, outstanding education for both reps and manufacturers, becoming a more global organization, facilitating matchmaking between reps and principals, and promoting and protecting the profession.

The board is also committed to maintaining our relationships with our current strategic partners such as MRERF, SBLC, NAM, IUCAB AIM/R, AMRA, PTRA and NAGMR.

I am confident that MANA will maintain its position of leadership as one of the strongest advocates for our profession throughout the 21st century, and I look forward to being involved in its future in a consulting role.

Best wishes.