Step 6 - Learn to Sell Professionally
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Ever hear the expression “Natural Born Salesperson?” Don’t believe it. Those who go through current sales training outsell those who never went and those who went a long time ago.
The manufacturers’ representative educational research foundation (MRERF) offers a three-day program aimed specifically for manufacturers’ representatives.
MRERF CSP (Certified Sales Professional)
If those dates or locations don’t work for you, here’s a site that provides information on the top 20 sales courses. Find one here that works for you.
Top 20 Companies With Sales Training Courses
Please note: MANA does not guarantee or warrant the services provided by these coaching services or their qualifications. You are responsible for performing your own due diligence before selecting any of them. MANA reserves the right to add or remove a coaching service from the list as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.