Thank You Cincinnati!--6/17

Rep Agency Focused,

Thank You Cincinnati!

One of my first trips to speak to manufacturers’ representatives after becoming MANA’s CEO in 2011 was to speak to the Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC). It’s been a regular stop for me ever since, and it was a thrill on my most recent visit to find 35 manufacturers’ agents and manufacturers registered to take part in a “PowerPoint-Free Zone.” The “PowerPoint-Free Zone” at the Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC) meeting. The “PowerPoint-Free Zone” has become one of MANA’s most popular presentation formats, and its heritage goes back to my first MAC visit six years ago.

Defining the Perfect Principal

It was common practice then, and remains common practice today, to pick a topic, prepare a slide deck, launch a speech, and hope that the audience that had arrived to receive it was the right audience for the message you had prepared. It’s the public speaking equivalent of broadcasting: Crafting a message for the audience you hope to attract, and trusting the pull of that message to attract that target audience at the time and place it will be delivered.

Revisiting: The Perfect Principal

Over the years, two things became apparent. 1. PowerPoint overload at work left audiences with little tolerance for PowerPoint outside of work. 2. Q&A after the PowerPoint was often much more dynamic and powerful than the presentation that preceded it. With this in mind, MANA’s “PowerPoint-Free Zone” was born.

Following a Path to “Perfection”

Instead of MANA picking a topic and hoping it would resonate with the audience, we launch each “PowerPoint-Free Zone” presentation with 15 minutes on a topic chosen to elicit questions and vigorous discussion, and then open the floor for Q&A. Special thanks to MANA Past Chairperson Tom Hayward for his regular outreach to get me onto MAC’s speaker agenda once again.

One Rep’s Advice: Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

The audience decides what they want to discuss, and we discuss it. Vigorously. Productively. No holds barred. Instead of broadcasting, it’s narrowcasting. Instead of our chosen topics, it’s the audience’s chosen topics. And some of the best insights are shared not by the presenter, but by members of the audience.


It’s not unlike the advice we get from sales trainers, applied to audiences instead of prospective customers. Instead of telling prospective customers everything you know, according to most sales trainers, find out what they are interested in, listen more than you talk, and help them find useful solutions. Sage advice for salespeople and MANA presenters!

Take a “Vow to Wow”

“Perfection, like beauty,” we’re told, “is in the eye of the beholder.” We all agree but don’t reflect on the lens. What is this mind’s “eye,” the eye that spies the perfect spouse, the perfect family, and of course the perfect life? For “reps” the perfect search is for the perfect principal. How is that perfection imagined?

Why Prospecting Fails and What to Do About It

New Year’s Resolutions reveal that over the year, we’ve gone off track, and they highlight the asymmetry between reality and our often self-defeating “eye’s” vision. Better choice: Look inside, adjust, accept — then define “your perfection.” Define yourself and your business first!

Phrases That Pay

More than 15 years ago, long-time MANA-member Harry Abramson authored a series of articles for Agency Sales magazine focused on the importance of perfection. Before he was done, Abramson, who founded Electronic Salesmasters, Inc., over 40 years ago, had tackled the subject of perfection from the vantage point of the rep, principal, customer, and other perspectives. While Abramson retired from his agency in 2015, he is still “hands-on” in his capacity as a consultant to ESI.

How to Build a Rep With Reps in Custom Metal Fabrication

Beginning last month and continuing this month and next, Agency Sales will be revisiting the subject of perfection as it applies to the rep, …

Blast From the Past — The Selling Parade

There are really only a few, very important, things that a principal must do in order to make their agents happy and really want to sell a lot of their products. All agents want to be treated as professionals and true partners with the principal. Below are the main attributes each principal should strive to achieve if in fact they want to be considered “perfect.”

Rep Forecasting

Integrity Teamwork Open communication Friendly Mutual respect Integrity Without a principal being totally upfront and honest with an agent, there is no chance for a great relationship. The agent will never trust the principal and …

The Benefits of Virtual Reality

Well into his 51st year as an independent manufacturers’ representative, Howard Collier took the occasion to recall a conversation he was engaged in at the beginning of his career. “Years ago, as a very young man, I attended a MANA luncheon in Cleveland. Situated at my table was a sales veteran who asked me one simple question: ‘What is the highest point of your relationship with a manufacturer that you represent in sales?’ I didn’t know so he quickly answered: ‘When you both sign a contract for sales representation!’” That question — and more important the answer — have stuck …

Home Court Advantage

Smart Entrepreneurs Avoid and Manage Them A Google alert directed me to an article entitled “Beating the Odds When You Launch a New Venture,” authored by Clark Gilbert and Matthew Eyring, in the Harvard Business Review. It was one of the best pieces I’ve read about entrepreneurs, their attitudes, and management of risk. They maintained that entrepreneurs aren’t cowboys — they’re methodical managers of risk. I contacted one of the authors, Clark Gilbert, the president of Brigham Young University-Idaho and formerly a professor at Harvard Business School, to discuss his ideas and decided I wanted to share his thoughts …

ERA Presents Key Award to Paul Nielsen

At its 48th Management and Marketing Conference, held in Austin, Texas, February 26-28, the Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) presented the ERA Key Award to its outgoing chairman of the board, Paul Nielsen, CPMR, of Brainard-Nielsen Marketing, Inc. The award honors an individual for volunteer service to ERA above and beyond “the call of duty.” ERA President Dan Parks, CPMR, of West Electronic Sales made the surprise presentation to Nielsen in recognition of his 12 years of service on the Executive Committee and as ERA President and Chairman. Parks said, “Paul is one of the most generous in the business when …