Rep Council Blog 6
Blog by Keynae Agnew, CPMR, Agnew Pacific Enterprises, LLC
As a manufacturers' representative, we are tasked with the responsibility of educating our manufacturers as to what we actually do in the field. The nature of our “Partners in Profit” relationship gives us the opportunity to provide clarity, while managing the manufacturer’s perceptions about what we do […]
by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA
A rep recently posed a couple of interesting questions. When will this be over? When can I go back to business as usual? When he posed those questions, all of us at MANA were scrambling to gather information for MANA members about the short-term government initiatives designed to […]
by Tommy Garnett, CPMR, CSP, Garnett Component Sales, Inc.
Wow, what a difference 60 days makes! Who would have ever thought our business climate would be where it is today looking back just a couple of months ago? The economy was rolling, the manufacturing sector was up, and the workforce employed. Now we have major […]
by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA
My local donut shop once offered a “Buy 11 donuts, get the 12th donut free” punch card. “Terms subject to change on 30 days’ notice.” A new owner terminated the punch card program. I had nine punches, but it was not a big deal. After all, it was […]
by Jerry Leth, Vice-President and General Manager, MANA
Sales are about relationships. Take any sales course today and you learn your purpose is not to get purchase orders but to help customers solve problems. If the customer senses that, they start to trust you and they go on to buy from you. MANA strongly supports […]
by John Beaver, GSA Optimum
Words that should never be spoken by the president, CFO, national sales manager, VP of sales, owner or decision-maker from one of a rep’s top-paying lines. In reality, though, senior management from one of a rep’s top-paying lines sometimes will question whether or not an outsourced sales force firm really […]
By Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA
Charlie Ingram, executive vice president and chief marketing officer, Eriez Manufacturing, just shared with me his insights about how having a rep sales force is helping his company get through the COVID‑19 crisis. Here’s what he had to say: “Effective immediately, our home office employees have travel restrictions, […]
by Greg Bruno, President, Midlantic Enterprises, Inc.
There are many ways to communicate with principals; a phone call, a voice mail, a written note, a text, an e-mail, a fax and let’s not forget the letter. We have all used these to build our businesses and to communicate with our principals. E-mail messages have rendered […]
by Charles Ingram, VP of Sales & Marketing, Eriez Magnetics
A common topic of discussion among manufacturers’ sales managers, besides the exploits of their favorite sports team, is how to get their reps’ attention for their company — and keep it. While there are certainly special or unique methods many manufacturers use (no, I’m not […]
by Jerry Leth, Vice-President and General Manager, MANA
What do we mean by professional and why is it important for you to be professional? Let’s discuss the importance of your being professional first. A “natural selection” process exists when manufacturers’ reps and manufacturers connect with each other. A Fortune 500 company won’t set up a relationship with […]
by Michelle Jobst, CPMR, Jobst Incorporated
Are you hitting your target results for sales, business development, and career aspirations? Hopefully you’ve built out a clear process and are right on track to hit the results you are aiming for. However, if the answer to that question is “No,” chances are you lack an essential ingredient […]
by Jerry Leth, Vice-President and General Manager, MANA
During the last decade, we saw many changes. Our activity level substantially increased and how we communicate with each other continues to evolve (social media, texting). Like a “New Year Resolution,” how about creating some “New Decade Resolutions” to help adapt to these changes? The challenge you […]
by Sid Ragona, Ph.D., Ragona Scientific, LLC
When a North American rep takes on a foreign principal, not only does it require every one of the same skills one currently uses with a domestic principal but also demands that a whole host of additional skills be added to the rep toolbox. We all know that […]
by Stephen Fowler, President, PERCS
Businesses invest countless hours and dollars to identify, target and educate their customers. Ultimately though all leads emerge as foundlings left at the doorstep of the sales funnel. They are left waiting to be adopted, nourished, and finally molded into our customer. Orphan leads should be potential or repeat customers. […]
When we talk about MANA members, the first word that always comes to mind is professionalism.
The reason is that MANA is the number one resource for professional reps, reps who aspire to become professional, and principals who set high standards of professionalism of reps they choose to be their partners. In speaking with many […]
by John Beaver, GSA Optimum
Management likes to use the word “merged.” This scenario has played out for me several times, and I’m pleased to say I’ve benefited more than I’ve lost — the key is being proactive. Yes, sometimes you will lose; it’s just the way the cards play out. Rather than simply giving […]
by David Ice, CPMR, Ice & Associates, Inc.
In the 1990s, I had the good fortune to be hired as the sales manager for a contract manufacturer who had a desire to build a rep sales organization in the United States and in adjacent countries. As I proceeded into that assignment I met, interviewed, hired, […]
by Tommy Garnett, CPMR, CSP, Garnett Component Sales, Inc.
The relationship between a manufacturer’s inside sales staff and the representing agency is one of the most crucial elements in creating mutual success. Inside sales serves a dual role; first, they must provide support and service to the customer and secondly, they have to champion the […]
by Douglas Bower
You can ask most 20-something-year-old males, “What is your ideal car?” The answer that you would most likely hear is a Ferrari or a car of similar ilk. Ask a sales manager or a principal or manufacturer, “What is an ideal rep?” He or she will most likely answer “one that has […]
by John Davis, Paul Davis Automation
We have all been there — it’s 1:30 p.m., the car is hot, the A/C still cooling down the sweltering interior. The taste of a wolfed-down lunch lingers as you growl at Siri or Google to please dial the correct number. It is Thursday, the customer from this morning’s […]