Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment Q&A

Dear MANA member,

Because sexual harassment has been more and more in the news recently we thought we’d share this information from Nancye Combs, AEP, SPHR, a Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources.

For those with additional questions, Nancye’s contact information is also included.

To All Management Professionals:

The sexual harassment and hostile work environment claims are dominating the media and appear to spread by the day. I have spent significant time working in this area, as I write, produce training programs, investigate claims, and testify on these kind of cases as an expert. It damages careers, relationships, and it is expensive.

Click here to view the Q&A on this subject that I created as a follow-up to the hysteria we are now experiencing. It is an ideal form of education to remind exempt level supervisors, managers, professionals, and administrative employees of the expected behavior and the kinds of circumstances that cause complaints and how to prevent them.

Thank you,

Nancye M. Combs, AEP, SPHR
A Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources
HR Enterprise, Inc.
P.O. Box 6507, Louisville, KY 40206-0507
O: 502-896-0503 P: 502-419-6413