Why Me?
Why do you want to become a manufacturers’ representative? What in the world possessed you to even consider this type of high-risk, straight-commission sales as something you think you would like to do and be successful at?
- Is it time for a quality of life change?
- Have you met individuals in our business who appear to be on easy street?
- Are you struggling at a job that is going nowhere with no financial reward?
- Slim chance to advance up the corporate ladder?
- Have you met a manufacturers’ representative who has encouraged you to try?
- Be your own boss?
- You fill in the blank….
Let me suggest that some of these notions are possible but the reasons for wanting to join our select group of elite marketers can go well beyond all these considerations.
Invariably my travel encounters indicate many direct salespeople continue to look upon manufacturers’ representatives as someone very special in the selling profession. I believe that anyone in this profession is special and enjoys a unique freedom not found in many work places.
This article is excerpted from Make Your Future Happen, Ken Benjamin’s definitive guide to starting an agency.